Our Mission, Vision and COre Values


To be a world class hub for open, distance and e-learning


To enable access to quality education and training through robust, integrated and scalable technology platforms, skilled personnel and effective learner support services. 

Core Values:

The following are the core values of the ODeL Campus:

  1. Freedom of thought and expression: The Campus shall promote and defend freedom of thought and expression in academic inquiry and other activities

  2. Innovativeness and creativity: Innovativeness and creativity shall be the hallmarks of our activities as we initiate and adapt to change.

  3. Good corporate governance and integrity: The Campus shall embrace and practices good corporate governance.

  4. Team spirit and teamwork:The Campus shall foster a work environment characterized by team spirit and teamwork. 

  5. Professionalism: In all its actions and interactions, the Campus shall maintain ethical behaviour, professional etiquette, and honesty. 

  6. Quality customer service

  7. Responsible citizenship
