How can I access the module once fully developed

The module once fully developed is made available on the e-Class for use by both faculty and students: https://eclass.uonbi.ac.ke/


What are Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources (OER) describes any educational resources that have been designed for use in teaching and learning that are openly available for use by educators and students, without an accompanying need to pay royalties or license fees.

What is the difference between learning Outcomes and learning Objectives?


A learning outcome describes the overall purpose for participation in an educational activity. What the learner will be able to after undertaking the course. Courses should be planned with a measurable learning outcome in mind. Objectives are used to organize specific topics to achieve the overall learning outcome. When writing Modules we use learning outcomes

What are the features of effective self-learning materials (module)? shall include the following:

The features of effective self-learning materials shall include the following:

  1. Clear layout and format used consistently in all lectures;
  2. Clear and appropriate learning outcomes;
  3. Overview of content included in the introduction of both module and individual lectures;
  4. Use of conversation or dialogue to provide for two-way communication;
  5. Content divided and presented into module, units and lectures;
  6. Clear explanation of technical terms;
  7. Illustrations which are set next to the text with appropriate captions;
  8. Clear guide to the learners in the use of module;
  9. Keeping the learner actively involved through the use of text and self-assessment questions and other activities involving application of the new knowledge and skills;
  10. Situations and feedback to self-assessment questions to show the learner his/her performance and progress;
  11. Summaries for both the lectures and the unit or modules;
  12. Well directed and specific references at the end of each unit or lecture;
  13. Ensure that course materials are effective and do not contain significant errors of fact, misleading or outdated information, concepts or approaches.

What are the quality assurance mechanisms for module development?

The quality assurance mechanisms for module development include:

  1. Reviewing the course materials by peers and other experts;
  2. Editing the course materials;
  3. Pre-testing of the materials;
  4. Checking for plagiarism

What is the difference between further reading and references?

Reference material are material you may have used in the lecture, further materials for further reading are relevant to the courses and may be used by the students. In some cases, the reference material may be same as material for further reading.  Always ensure the material for further reading is specific e.g. The chapter of page numbers specified, use appropriate format APA is recommended

How do I ensure my module is interactive?

You can do so by use embedding interactive devices in the module including; in-text questions, activities, assignments and self-assessment questions. You should also ensure that you use dialogue language to keep the learner guided throughout the module

What are the main sections of a module?

We have the are as follows:

  • Preliminaries: Cover page -Unit Code &Course title, Copyright page, Table of contents etc
  • Module Overview: Introduction to the module, expected learning outcomes Learning Outcomes etc.
  • Lectures: Topic title, Introduction, Learning Outcomes, Content organised as per learning outcomes, Embedded Devices (In-text questions, -Take Note, Self-Assessment, Activity etc.), Summary, References and further reading

Where can I find resources to guide in module development?

See video resources: https://eclass.uonbi.ac.ke/course/view.php?id=909#section-4

What are learner support services?

Learner support services refer to services provided to the learner to help in the learning process other than the main media used to teach. Learner support services can be broadly classified into three main categories namely academic or cognitive support, organizational support and emotional support. Organizational support and emotional support can be referred as non-academic support.

What are some of the examples of learner support services?

There are many learner support services given to the learner at any time before joining the programme all the way to post graduation support given after the learner has graduated. Specific examples of these support include:

  1. On-line learning support
  2. Tutorial support
  3. Academic advising support
  4. Management support
  5. Counseling support
  6. ICT support
  7. Financial aid support
  8. Services for students with disabilities
  9. Services to promote a sense of community
  10. Coursework deadlines support
  11. Examination schedules support
  12. Graduation support
  13. Clearance from university support
  14. Post-graduation support

Where are learner support services provided?

These learner support services are provided at various points depending on the support that is offered. The following are the locations where these services are provided:

  1.  In the learning courseware (module)
  2. On the learning management system(e-class:  https://eclass.uonbi.ac.ke/  
  3.  During orientation of students by ODeL experts
  4.  During induction of tutors by ODeL experts
  5.  During tutorials by tutors
  6.  At the Call Centre in ODeL located at main campus and
  7.  In the hosting Colleges by respective Deans, Chairs, and Administrators 

